Seeds of Comfort & Seeds of Resistance in Trisha Low’s Socialist Realism
Reviewing “A Cannibal Explains Himself to Himself,” “Across the Vapour Gulf,” “Singing in Magnetic Hoofbeats,” and “Compression & Purity”
CA Conrad While Standing in Line for Death Wave Books, 2017
how do I net thee Shira Dentz Salmon Poetry, 2018 85 pp.
Sheila McMullin daughterrarium Cleveland State University Poetry Center, April 2017
Jane Gregory YEAH NO The Song Cave, April 2018
Some Writing at the End of the Known World (The following was given as a talk on a panel at AWP in Tampa, Florida in 2018; the panel, convened by Julia Spicher Kasdorf, was titled, “Here Comes the Flood: Research…
According to Audre Lorde, one of poetry’s tasks is “naming the nameless so it can be thought.” To fulfill this charge, poetry inhabits language fully, calling both upon somewhat quantifiable elements such as diction, form and syntax, and upon the…