I published with > kill author because I was fortunate enough for them to have me. I’ve always admired their anonymous masthead and commitment to imagination, individuality, invention, and impactful writing. I miss their presence greatly and dedicate these pieces…
Poetry: Molly Gaudry
from PARTS Mud Luscious Press I couldn’t be happier for J. A. Tyler, the man who created Mud Luscious (the online journal, the chapbooks, and the full-length press). He made the right decision recently to privilege his own writing moving…
Angela Hume: “An Ecopoetics of the Limit: Myung Mi Kim’s ‘fell’”
I have been thinking about the temporality of apocalypse as it relates to a series from the poet Myung Mi Kim’s volume Penury (which means: poverty, or dearth). Kim’s vision of living on after the onset of apocalypse challenges us…
Poetry: Jeffrey Pethybridge
The Book of Lamps, being a psalm-book Drug-tired, at a loss, how to fuel and busy the engines of resistance, to make of the ceaseless and self-annihilating speech of inwardness, speech against self-annihilation, like a speech before the gate-work, before…
Visual Poetry: Nico Vassilakis
Poetry: Ravi Shankar
Revivals to Schopenhauer