Omnidawn on Social Media!

Omnidawn is now live on Twitter and Tumblr!

and we continue with updates on our Facebook Page

From now on, Omnidawn will be sharing our authors’ news and reviews using our social media. We are now very active on Twitter and Tumblr and Facebook.

While OmniVerse will still feature announcements about the press from time to time, we will now happily focus on providing more features, reviews, essays, articles, and conversations about the literary and creative arts.

However, you can still find an archive of previous reviews of Omnidawn books on OmniVerse. This will be the archive for previous reviews until early next year, when we revamp our main Omnidawn website!

Please like or friend or follow us on our social media, and please ask your friends to do the same!

You can connect with our social media using the links above, or the new buttons on our home page:

Thank you for your interest in our press! We plan to share poems by our authors and their news, photos and more on Twitter and Tumblr and Facebook!