Category: New Work

Poetry: John Gallaher

The Glass Bridge Theory Which is door, which is wall, as we say we want living to be absolute. Which is fog in December and which is the same set of experiences at the same time? The girl eats her…

Poetry: Tsering Wangmo Dhompa

First attempt at a five-year plan For Mika Memory digests without codes, where thickness of meaning is a proximity to time. I’ll start with the sky, the color of teal, or the shade of coffee in tea, to root desire…

Poetry: Avery E. D. Burns

from August new to the city he rode BART in all directions ending in each cardinal point an X whose hidden treasure lies in equivalencies time & distance “I’ll never do that again”

Poetry: Sarah Suzor

If you were smart you’d have experienced at least five times where the saying “Too good to be true” was applicable. You’d know when the truth is not really the best option. You’d keep your options open. You’d open doors…

Poetry: Tyrone Williams

The Vennus Virus In an envelope slipped into the side pocket— flanked by the legal pad-handler of a frontispiece leather-bound file folder at the back of a cabinet framed by the furniture of folding “work” into “area” in a house…