Reviews of from unincorporated territory [saina] and The Plot Genie

Our friends at Jacket2 published a review of from unincorporated territory [saina]:

In from unincorporated territory [saina], Craig Santos Perez sent me back to the period at which I realized I couldn’t be a historian, to the point where the facts evolved beyond themselves and became ambiguous notations. This isn’t a negative reflection on the book; quite the contrary. It’s a reflection on what drew me into the book in the first place: an exploration of the culture, identity, and language of the Chamorro. Santos Perez leads us all to be explorers, anthropologists, and historians. If anything, I feel vindicated.

You can read the rest of the review here.


Richard Silberg reviewed The Plot Genie in his “New & Noted” feature at Poetry Flash:

Gillian Conoley is the least linear of writers. That’s part of the irony, fun, the puzzle-wisdom of her new book. The Plot Genie is the first of her books with a theme, first to be ‘written through’ in that sense. It centers on, as we are led to believe, is generated by, this mysterious, lightly touched on plot genie . . .

You can read the full feature here.