Everyone’s tooth
is a little machine
that can’t starfish itself
to the lip it loves.
The way you speak
hits the ceiling & stays there
laryngitic, a blue noise
photoshopped clean I can’t
stand so vertical. What brought
this image to light made a
motorcycle-growl & chicks
exploded from the eggs
you would have cracked into
my mouth. What brought this
image to light wrapped a
perfume ad around your hand
during the immaculate peeping
so you wave goodbye to infinity.
I know something we can do
together. We just lean our
heads back like this to the wall
where our voices won’t register
eye to eye. When we vanish
a white field will roll out
where poolwater used to be
& the hem of the grove
will quiver like someone cut it
out of the landscape & threw it
up high to cover the
top of the sun. See how good
that feels on our throats.
Men take pictures of us
glowing & we never know it.
Julie Doxsee is the author of two books: Undersleep (Octopus 2008) and Objects for a Fog Death (Black Ocean 2009). She teaches writing and literature in Istanbul, Turkey.