Mark Your Calendars: 6/5/10 Babylon Salon

San Francisco’s rollicking reading and performance series presents another night of literary delight: Saturday, June 5, 2010, 7:00 p.m. at Cantina SF (basement) featuring Rusty Morrison Rusty Morrison is the author of the true keeps calm biding its story, winner…

Mark Your Calendars: 2 Readings at Mrs. Dalloway’s

THURSDAY, MAY 20, 7:30 p.m. Poetry Reading at Mrs. Dalloway’s Literary & Garden Arts ELIZABETH BILLER CHAPMAN and LYNNE KNIGHT Please join us for a poetry reading by Elizabeth Biller Chapman, Light Thickens (Ashland Poetry Press, 2009), and Lynne Knight,…

Congrats to Rita Brady Kiefer!

1) Rita has been asked to read and give a talk at the Life Lines Conference sponsored by the Medical School and Health Arts Network at Duke University, May 21-23. The theme of the conference: bringing poetry as a healing…

Poetry: Sandra Doller

LIKE SUGAR LIKE                      I can spell anesthesiologist but not marvelously                     —blimp—           Meaningful meaning           +           meaningless meaning           ‘Everyone’ is always an exaggeration The story of a student who walked onto the field a man and left a woman The story…

Congrats to Sandra Stone!

The Poetry Society of America has announced it will award Sandra Stone, of Portland  Oregon the Lucille Medwick Memorial Award — given for an original poem in any form on a humanitarian theme. The poem, “Snow Whippets”, on the death…