In his June 2012 Contemporary Poetry Reviews on The Huffington Post, poet and critic Seth Abramson has reviewed Craig Santos Perez’ from unincorporated territory [saina] (Omnidawn 2010) and Calvin Bedient’s The Multiple, forthcoming from Omnidawn September 1, 2012: 1. The…
Visual Poetry: Andrea Baker
excerpt from The Incredibly True Adventures of Me
Barbara Claire Freeman interviews Edward Sugden
Edward Sugden is a doctoral student at the University of Oxford working on nineteenth century American literature. He is the former Editor-in-Chief of the Oxonian Review, co-founder and an editor of the online webzine Wave Composition, and his reviews have…
Videos from Omnidawn at Moe’s, February 1st
Video of Omnidawn’s book party at Moe’s Books in Berkeley, February 1st, has now been uploaded! Our thanks to Omnidawn staff member Peter Burghardt for recording and uploading the videos. Click below to see readings by Hillary Gravendyk, Kelli Anne…
Poetry: Tyrone Williams
The Vennus Virus In an envelope slipped into the side pocket— flanked by the legal pad-handler of a frontispiece leather-bound file folder at the back of a cabinet framed by the furniture of folding “work” into “area” in a house…
Bay Area Lit Scene: Diesel, a Bookstore
Review By Turner Canty, Omnidawn Features Writer Who: Alice Jones and Stephen Motika. What: Poetry Reading Where: Diesel, a Bookstore – 5433 College Ave, Oakland CA 94618 When: April 26th 2012 Poems from each reader follow the review.