Friday, October 5, 2012, 6-9pm (Readings will begin promptly at 6:15pm) The evening will include readings by these Omnidawn authors: Norma Cole Gillian Conoley Cyrus Console Justin Courter Hillary Gravendyk Myung Mi Kim Paul Legault Rick Meier Kelli Anne Noftle…
Poetry: Tsering Wangmo Dhompa
First attempt at a five-year plan For Mika Memory digests without codes, where thickness of meaning is a proximity to time. I’ll start with the sky, the color of teal, or the shade of coffee in tea, to root desire…
Poetry: Martín Adán (translated by Katherine Silver and Rick London)
Sea and Shell A woman and a ball: out of a sudden agreement the world forms, in its inane rotation. It begins with the fish, which inhabits the wasteland. A curve sighs. Nothing swells immediately. A mathematical point: the sphere,…
Omnidawn Book Party at Moe’s, September 19th
Omnidawn celebrates the publication of our Fall 2012 books @ Moe’s Books, Wednesday, September 19th, 7:30pm Three writers and two translators will be reading at this event: Norma Cole, Sylvain Gallais, Cynthia Hogue, Rick Meier, kathryn l. pringle
Poetry: Avery E. D. Burns
from August new to the city he rode BART in all directions ending in each cardinal point an X whose hidden treasure lies in equivalencies time & distance “I’ll never do that again”
Poets, Presses & Periodicals: EtherDome
Poets, Presses & Periodicals is a regular feature of OmniVerse, created and curated by Sara Mumolo: a conversation with the publisher of a small press or periodical, a poet they have chosen to highlight, and one of our OmniVerse staff…