Omnidawn is proud to share this news from our friends over at THE VOLTA, where several of our recent and forthcoming Omnidawn authors have been included in their various features: Friday Feature: Harm Angela Hume, whose chapbook The Middle just…
Poetry: 2012 Poetry Chapbook Contest Finalists
This week we feature new work from the five finalists for the 2012 Omnidawn Poetry Chapbook Contest: John Cross — The Terms of Your Tenancy Are Changed C. Violet Eaton — Some Habits HL Hazuka — True to Life: cuttings,…
Chapbook Verse: Sandra Liu’s On Poems On and Corina Copp’s Pro Magenta/Be Met from Ugly Duckling Presse
Chapbook Verse is a new feature of OmniVerse, created and curated by Gillian Olivia Blythe Hamel, highlighting one of the many chapbook-only or chapbook-focused small presses in the world of poetry by selecting two or three of their recent releases…
Announcing the Omnidawn 2012 Poetry Chapbook Contest Winner
We are very excited to announce the winner of Omnidawn’s 2012 Poetry Chapbook Contest: The Middle by Angela Hume, selected by Joseph Lease. The finalists of the 2012 contest are (in alphabetical order by the author’s last name): The Terms…
Poetry: John Gallaher
The Glass Bridge Theory Which is door, which is wall, as we say we want living to be absolute. Which is fog in December and which is the same set of experiences at the same time? The girl eats her…
Poetry: Steve Roberts