The (New) Reading Series at 21 Grand
Sunday the 15th of June in the year Two
Thousand Eight
Brent Cunningham and Gina Myers
LIVE! // 6:30PM
21 Grand
416 25th
Oakland CA 94612
$3–$infinity sliding scale
currently lives in Saginaw, Michigan where she makes books for Lame House Press and co-edits the tiny with Gabriella Torres. Her new chapbook Behind the R is forthcoming from ypolita press later this year. Recent poems have appeared in Coconut and Cultural Society.
BRENT CUNNINGHAM is a writer, publisher and visual artist currently living in Oakland with his fiancée and new daughter. His first book of poetry, Bird & Forest, was published by Ugly Duckling Presse in 2005. After receiving his MA in English from SUNY Buffalo in 1998, he began working for Small Press Distribution (SPD) in Berkeley, the nation’s only not-for-profit distributor of literary books. He currently holds the position of Operations director. A board member of Small Press Traffic since 2001, he was a founding curator of SPT’s “Poets Theater Jamboree,” an annual ritual of amateur experimental theater. In 2005 he and Neil Alger founded Hooke Press, a chapbook press dedicated to publishing short runs of poetry, criticism, theory, writing and ephemera. In 2008, he became the Assistant Program Coordinator for the Artifact Reading Series (artifactsf.org), which recently relocated from San Francisco to the Oakland Art Gallery in downtown Oakland.