Rusty Morrison is co-founder, co-publisher of Omnidawn since 2001. Her five books include After Urgency (won Tupelo’s Dorset Prize) & the true keeps calm biding its story (won Ahsahta’s Sawtooth Prize, James Laughlin Award, N.California Book Award, & DiCastagnola Award from PSA). Her recent book: Beyond the Chainlink (Ahsahta; finalist for the NCIB Award & NCB Award). She is currently a fellow, awarded by UC Berkeley Art Research Center’s Poetry & the Senses Program. Poems of hers have appeared in the Poetry Foundation website, and in their podcast series Poetry Now, in Colorado Review, Fence, Iowa Review, and elsewhere. Her creative nonfiction & poetry at Entropy, her nonfiction at Harriet. Her critical essays appeared at Kenyon Review, Pleiades. She is a recipient of fellowships from Civitella Ranieri, Djerassi, and other artist residencies. She has taught in MFA programs, been a visiting poet at colleges, and teaches workshops through Omnidawn and elsewhere. She offers private consultations. For more info, see her website: www.rustymorrison.com